GBM #11: Mag Usap Tayo

At this GBM “Mag Usap Tayo”, which means “let’s talk,” we discussed mental health and how being Asian-Americans plays a role in our cultural identities!! We also discussed ways in which we can help ourselves and others take care of our mental health.

Some helpful tips for taking care of your mental health:

  • Get plenty of rest, stay hydrated, eat nutritious foods, and exercise

  • Talk to trusted friends or family — you are not alone!! If they can’t talk immediately, plan another time to talk or reach out to other friends & family

Some helpful tips for helping friends take care of their mental health

  • Gently reach out to them if you notice they’re feeling down or lack their usual motivation — some feel they are a bother if they reach out about their mental health first, but that’s not true! Remind them you care and reassure them of the importance of their feelings.

  • Invite them out to enjoy daily activities — eating, going to the gym, clubs, studying, etc.

TCNJ also provides Counseling and Prevention Services (CAPS) | (@tcnj_caps) | (609)-771-2247 | Eickhoff 107

After the discussion we moved on to our first fun activity - Words of Affirmations - where everyone wrote a kind note to each other <3

To wrap up the GBM we also had fun making bracelets & necklaces to de-stress from our last exams and prepping for finals!


GBM#12: White Elephant


Barangay 2022