GBM #3: Kilig Ka Ba

The K in BKAD stands for kilig 💘 We began with Give Me a Kiss, which required everyone’s participation 😈 It’s a relay-style game between two teams where one representative had to open a Hershey Kiss with oven mitts on, then had to pass those mitts to the next person on their team, who needs to open another Hershey Kiss! The team with the most chocolates opened won, and the right side of the room were crowned victors (⁀ᗢ⁀) The next game was Don’t Drop My Balls, where each person from each team had to inflate their own balloon then press it between themself and their teammate in front of them. The result was two long trains filled with teammates yelling at each other to hurry up and finish or slow down on their lap since their balloons were about to drop. The final game was Pop My Puso, a recurring game and crowd favorite! Three teams of two had to pop three balloons, with one member having to grab a balloon and run into their partner to pop it. In the end, Sarah Nguyen and Nina Tran popped the most pusos, winning the grand prize of A BOX OF THIN MINTS??? Just because the games were done doesn't mean the night was over, because we ended up having a volleyball game in the back of the room while a karaoke session was happening in the front <3 This GBM MIGHT be Back and Baliw pt. 2.


GBM #4: Pageant Hype


GBM #2: Back and Baliw