GBM #4: Pamilya Potluck & Showdown
On Thursday, March 2nd, TCNJ Barkada had a fun GBM designed for Pamilya bonding in the ICC! Pamilyas came together during the week and prepared for the meeting, such as the Busy Fam, who made Tres (Jess) Leches and Sushi Bake! Every dish was delicious, although some had to be rationed (who enjoyed eating 1 piece of pasta? hahaha)
In the same night, the pamilyas faced off in a series games to see which one was THE BEST! The pamilyas joined in teams and competed in Hep Hep Hooray, Name it To Win it, and Unscramble! The Pogi Fam made an amazing comeback from last year, going from last place and sizzling to winning first place!
Who’s a star? As punishment for 2nd-to-last and last place, the Faddie team (Foodie + Baddie Fam) and Pretty fam had to do “I’m a star” x10 as punishment… and no, it does not mean the tiktok audio. Sorry for the confusion! We hope everyone got the chance to get closer to their pamilya <3